What We're About

A Word From Our President
Hello Angus Members,
I am excited to serve as your 2022 Maryland Angus President. The Maryland Angus Association is a great group that promotes a strong breed of cattle, promotes learning and friendliness, along with cooperation and growth. We are a diverse group of Angus Breeders and Angus Supporters and that is what makes us unique. We are large angus herds, we are small angus herds, some are youth projects and some are here with no angus cattle of their own but we all strive for the same result. We want to make the Angus Breed better. We can do this through education, marketing, and communication with our members and in our communities with others. I encourage everyone to come up with ideas to promote the Angus Breed and share every chance possible. I'm looking forward to a great year. Thanks Everyone.
Eric Troxell

Contact Us
Maryland Angus Association
c/o Kelsey Stabler
4401 Brookeville Rd.
Brookville, MD 20833
Cell: (301) 606-8854
Email: marylandangussecretary@gmail.com