2024 President's Message
Hello Everyone,
This is an exciting time to be in the beef industry. With cattle prices projected to be stronger for 2024 and beef being in demand at home and aboard, we have opportunities on every level. We go in with an understanding that many factors can influence the market but as Angus Breeders we stay focused on our goals.
Eric Troxell
Eric Troxell
Vice President
Dr. Michael King
Kelsey Thomas
Patsy Kerns
Board of Directors
Dr. Mike King
Kelsey Thomas
Burke Holvey
Megan Pelan
David Ohler
Russell Pelan
Jason Meyers
Sarah King
Kyle Schulze
Jim Matheny
Westin Whitehead (Jr.)
Contact Us
Maryland Angus Association
c/o Kelsey Thomas
4401 Brookeville Rd.
Brookville, MD 20833
Cell: (301) 606-8854
Email: marylandangussecretary@gmail.com