Maryland Angus Association Newsletter Winter 2022 Edition

Annual Meeting and Social

If you didn’t attend the Association’s annual meeting and holiday social, you missed a really good time.  Held at Dutch’s Daughter in Frederick on December 18, it was the first time the membership had met since 2019.  The room was beautifully decorated for the holidays, the buffet dinner was exceptional, the program was informative and motivating, and everyone enjoyed themselves.  Some highlights of the evening…

Four new directors were elected to the Board:  Myron Kennedy, Sarah King, Burke Holvey and Kyle Schulze.

Pam Velisek gave us a recap of her year as American Angus Auxiliary president and the ladies’ breakfast at the National Angus Convention in Fort Worth.  Thank you Pam for your service to the Association and for representing Maryland at the national level.

Bobby Velisek gave a report on his experiences at the National Angus Convention.

Reese Tuckwiller, our American Angus Association Regional Manager, gave an update on Association programs and how they increase the value of Angus cattle.

Kelsey Thomas gave out the Futurity awards.  Madison Ohler ($50), Kelsey Troxell ($125), Parker Hahn ($250), and Blair Heath ($350) earned awards with their projects this past show season.

Dr. Emmit Full purchased the princess’ cake for $300.  His generosity will help the Md. Angus Women to support the queen and princess program.

Hayden Hahn was crowned Md. Angus Queen.

The Troxell Family was named Breeder of the Year.

The Dull Family was named Family of the Year.

Parker Hahn was named Outstanding Junior Junior.

Peyton Troxell was named Outstanding Intermediate Junior.

Crystal Stower was named Outstanding Senior Junior.

And the Golden Pitchfork Award went to Megan Pehlan.

The silent auction, always a popular part of the evening, raised $1362.

Thank you Jessica Clark, Kelsey Thomas and Dr. John Heizer for your efforts in assembling this enjoyable evening.

Notes from the Board

Your Board of Directors met via Zoom on January 25.  New directors were welcomed to the Board, a budget was discussed and approved, officers were elected, and committee chairs were appointed.  Eric Troxell will serve as President and Mike King will serve as Vice President this year.  Thank you Dr. John Heizer and Randy Stabler for your multiple years of service.

The Board voted to support the MAJAC junior show with a donation of $250 again this year.

The next Board meeting will be March 22, location to be determined.

Calendar of Events

March 11-13 MAJAC, Harrisonburg, VA.

May 27-29 Atlantic National, Timonium, MD.

June 16-19 Eastern Regional, Chatham, VA.

July 2-9 NJAS, Kansas City.

Beef Leaders Institute

The Beef Leaders Institute (BLI) is designed for American Angus Association members, 25-45 years old, as a resource to provide insight to all segments of the beef industry. Attendees will be stronger, more effective leaders for the Angus breed and beef industry, now and in the future.

The 2022 BLI is June 13-17, with the program beginning the morning of June 13. BLI is limited to 20 attendees each year. Applications are due by February 15, 2022.

The Association will provide transportation during the BLI, as well as lodging, meals, and materials. The attendees will be responsible for their round-trip transportation between their home to Kansas City (if flying) or Saint Joseph (if driving) and their departure to home from Cleveland, Ohio (if flying) or Kansas City to get vehicle at the American Angus Association. Transportation from the Kansas City airport on both Sunday, June 12th and Friday, June 17th will be provided.

For more information, contact Events & Education Department at the American Angus Association at 816-383-5100 or Caitlyn Brandt, Events and Industry Partnership Manager at

In Closing

On behalf of your Board of Directors, I hope you find this newsletter informative and useful.  If you have any suggestions on how we can better serve the members, pleas let us know.  

Jay Fulmer, editor.